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A voyage connecting Hiroshima and Nagasaki by paddling a six-man Wa’a (Hawaiian-style outrigger canoe) for 800km / 500 miles.  By connecting the two historic cities that have suffered the human atrocities and environmental damage of WWII, this voyage seeks to forge a new path towards peace and environmental care. Paddlers from Hawaii and Japan will paddle together to demonstrate their mission to collaborate toward a better future.


March 26th, 2024: Begin at a beach in Hiroshima ​ 

*Subject to change depending on the weather

Each day, we will switch out our crew at beaches along the route every one to three hours.Over the course of about 10 days, we will spend each night at a different beach along the coast between Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  

April 12nd, 2024: Arrive at a beach in Nagasaki  

​*Subject to change depending on the weather

*Detailed itinerary will be announced shortly. 

*Flexible itinerary allows for changes due to weather, water condition, or skill of paddlers. 


Paddle for Mother Earth Project (Hayama, Kanagawa Pref., Japan)

Rep:Duke Kaneko (Founder of Ocean Va’a Hayama, Kanagawa Pref. Japan ) 



  Hawaiian Outrigger canoe voyaging society

  Rep:Kimokeo Kapahulehua

Who will paddle in the voyage? 

Duke Kaneko will be the main steersman, leading the canoe towards the final destination in Nagasaki. Joining us on this voyage will be paddlers of canoes, kayaks, SUP, etc. from all over Japan, as well as members of the Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Voyaging Society who are experienced in long-distance voyaging in the Hawaiian Islands. Many Hawaiian voyagers believe that their ancestors came from Western Japan by canoe voyaging in ancient times.

Though the Hawaiian and Japanese paddlers speak different languages, there is great potential in this gathering.  Hawaiians have been perpetuating a sustainable way of life on their islands by living in harmony with nature. Due to the economic and social changes that have occurred in Japan in the past century, many Japanese people have forgotten their traditional ways of sustainable living and harmonious relations with mother nature, which are at the root of Japanese culture. This partnership with the Hawaiians may serve as a reminder of the wisdom that preceded them.

 The Paddle for Mother Earth Project is not affiliated with any political party or religious organization.  Rather, this initiative aims to perpetuate sustainable living and raise awareness for environmental issues and peace.


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ゆうちょ銀行 : 記号10980 番号13504101
口 座 名 : パドルフォーマザーアース

店  名 : 〇九八(読み ゼロキュウハチ)
店  番 : 098
預金種目 : 普通預金
口座番号 : 1350410
口 座 名 : パドルフォーマザーアース


Paddle for Mother Earth
Kihei,Maui ,Hawaii   / Hayama,Kanagawa,Japan
Kimokeo Kapahulehua    Duke Kaneko
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